
Epic poem format
Epic poem format

epic poem format

  • Karolus magnus et Leo papa (Carolingian, Latin, before 814).
  • Waldere, Old English version of the story told in Waltharius (below), known only as a brief fragment.
  • Shishupala Vadha by Magha, Sanskrit epic based on another episode in the Mahabharata.
  • Kiratarjuniya by Bharavi, Sanskrit epic based on an episode in the Mahabharata.
  • Bhaṭṭikāvya, Sanskrit courtly epic based on the Rāmāyaṇa and the Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini.
  • Iohannis by Corippus, Latin epic on the Byzantine conquest of North Africa.
  • Yadegar-e Zariran, written in Middle Persian.
  • Argonautica Orphica by Anonymous (Greek mythology).
  • Blemyomachia (Greek, only fragments survive).
  • Raghuvaṃśa by Kālidāsa (Indian epic poetry).
  • Kumārasambhava by Kālidāsa ( Indian epic poetry).
  • De raptu Proserpinae by Claudian (Roman poet, Greek mythology incomplete).
  • Posthomerica by Quintus of Smyrna (Greek mythology).
  • The Five Great Epics of Tamil Literature: Cilappatikāram, Manimekalai, Cīvaka Cintāmaṇi, Valayapathi, Kundalakēci.
  • Cento Vergilianus de laudibus Christi by Faltonia Betitia Proba.
  • Buddhacarita by Aśvaghoṣa ( Indian epic poetry).
  • epic poem format

    Thebaid and Achilleid by Statius (Roman poet, Greek mythology latter poem incomplete).Punica by Silius Italicus ( Roman history).Argonautica by Gaius Valerius Flaccus (Roman poet, Greek mythology incomplete).Pharsalia by Lucan ( Roman history unfinished).Metamorphoses by Ovid (Greek and Roman mythology).De rerum natura by Lucretius (natural philosophy).Annales by Ennius (Roman history only fragments survive).Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes (Greek mythology).Ramayana, ascribed to Valmiki ( Indian religion).Mahābhārata, ascribed to Veda Vyasa ( Indian religion).Heracleia, tells of the labors of Heracles, almost completely lost, written by Panyassis (Greek mythology).Danais (written by one of the cyclic poets and from which the Danaid tetralogy of Aeschylus draws its material), Minyas and Naupactia, almost completely lost.Titanomachy ascribed to Eumelus of Corinth (only a fragment survives).Phocais, ascribed to Homer during antiquity (only a fragment survives).Capture of Oechalia, ascribed to Homer or Creophylus of Samos during antiquity (only a fragment survives).


    A series of poems ascribed to Hesiod during antiquity (of which only fragments survive): Aegimius (alternatively ascribed to Cercops of Miletus), Astronomia, Descent of Perithous, Idaean Dactyls (almost completely lost), Megala Erga, Megalai Ehoiai, Melampodia and Wedding of Ceyx.Oedipodea, Thebaid, Epigoni and Alcmeonis, forming the so-called Theban Cycle (only fragments survive).Cypria, Aethiopis, Little Iliad, Iliupersis, Nostoi and Telegony, forming the so-called Epic Cycle (only fragments survive).Catalogue of Women, ascribed to Hesiod (Greek mythology only fragments survive).Shield of Heracles, ascribed to Hesiod (Greek mythology).Theogony, ascribed to Hesiod (Greek mythology).Works and Days, ascribed to Hesiod (Greek mythology).Odyssey, ascribed to Homer (Greek mythology).Iliad, ascribed to Homer ( Greek mythology).The Descent of Inanna into the Underworld (Mesopotamian religion).Epic of Enmerkar (including Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta and Enmerkar and En-suhgir-ana, Mesopotamian religion).Epic of Lugalbanda (including Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave and Lugalbanda and the Anzud Bird, Mesopotamian religion).Epic of Gilgamesh ( Mesopotamian religion).The first page of the Beowulf manuscript, 8th to 10th century.Īncient epics (to 500) Before the 8th century BC

    Epic poem format